our story


It all started when . . .

this man was born.

Well, in a sense. . .

This was my father, the namesake of the company. He was a creative, witty man who loved to write. Though he hunt-and-pecked many well-crafted letters to newspaper editors and senators, the only manuscript he wrote was the beginnings of a book about his hometown. He loved books, reading, and learning and passed this love to his children. Being his youngest child and only girl, I thought he hung the moon . . . still do.

But there was a side of my dad that I'd never know—stories that are forever lost. My dad was in the Pacific Theatre during WWII. Aside from knowing the Fletcher-class destroyer on the wall was his ship, I knew very little else. Occasionally, there would be the "discovery" of a purple heart or other medals in a random drawer but no story was ever offered to accompany them. Being a self-absorbed teenager in the ’80s, I never thought to ask.

Then in 1997, my dad passed away after a rough six-month battle with stomach cancer—a year before Saving Private Ryan and the epic HBO series Band of Brothers came out.

What on Earth is the connection you ask?

Seeing this movie and series opened my eyes to a truth I had never realized; it gave WWII vets the permission to release the locked-tight stories they had kept hidden for so many years. They finally felt it was OK to openly share their memories–stories of history, heartbreak, fear, courage, and compassion. But I would never know the stories from the person who meant the most to me—I’d never know my dad’s stories.

Fast-forward to May 2018 when I lost my 99-year-old Aunt/Godmother. I love her dearly still, but what I miss the most are her stories; she lived a very full, spunky life. I always thought we'd have just one more year–one more visit, now there are no more stories and no one wrote them down.

I started this company because, in my own life, I saw far too many loved ones leave this world without much more indication they were here than a few photos and the hole they left in our hearts. I feel that everyone has a story and it needs to be told in some way, whether to carry on one's legacy or to assure others they are not alone in this world. Times change but human connection through stories will always remain.

“You only live as long as the last person to remember you.”–Ashley Stubbs, WestWorld