Frequently asked questions
I've never written anything before, can you help me? Absolutely! Not only do we do story coaching, we work with developmental editors and ghostwriters who can help you tell your story.
I've heard that if you have to pay to be published, it is a scam and it’s not really legitimately published. Is this true? NO! Writing is an art but publishing is a business and while there are many business models for publishing, the bottom-line is the bottom-line. The key is to research and interview ANY potential publisher whether traditional or hybrid or service provider and make sure they are reputable and their model fits your goals.
I'd like to Self Publish a book but don’t know where to start. Do you help authors who want to Author-Publish? We do! We will consult with your about the process and determine what items you’d like us to help you with. You will get the same care as we give our authors who publish with us.
I have a finished manuscript but need a cover and interior designed. Help? We have an award-winning book cover designer who can create a great cover that fits the book genre and your audience as well as create a professional looking interior.